One hundred underserved children will be able to enjoy the comfort, stability and health of a new, quality bed set thanks to the generosity of Building New Foundations. Houston Furniture Bank is ecstatic that its “No Kids on the Floor” initiative has received such an enthusiastic endorsement from this new, strategic partner. With tens of thousands of children living without a bed of their own in our city, Building New Foundations is leading by example to meet the need. With this kind of community support, Houston Furniture Bank is uniquely positioned to work towards achieving “No Kids on the Floor” in Houston.
Building New Foundations is a grassroots organization that is leveraging its real estate and construction industry connections and knowledge to make targeted interventions in the lives of children in our community. For over a decade, Building New Foundations has been making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged youth in Houston. They have been providing support to residential youth facilities, identifying gaps in existing services and working to create a strong network of mentorship and material support for the next generation of Houstonians.
Thanks to their generous $15,000 donation, Houston Furniture Bank is now able to provide new, quality bedding for children affected by poverty, domestic violence, disaster and illness. The contribution was announced on KHOU’s Great Day Houston, a daily television program hosted by Debra Duncan, highlighting both the great need in our community as well as the tremendous potential that each of us possesses to give back. A check was presented by Board Members Hayden Austin and Rachel Lippeatt who appeared on the program along with a number of longtime supporters to spread awareness about the campaign .
For over a decade, Building New Foundations has been making a difference in the lives of disadvantaged youth in Houston. They have been providing support to residential youth facilities, identifying gaps in existing services and working to create a strong network of mentorship and material support for the next generation of Houstonians. Building New Foundations benefits from a connected board, which regularly votes within hours to provide gap funding when timing is the key to keeping families together, facilities open and children in stability. The organization utilizes its construction industry support to create lasting infrastructure, both physical and emotional, with industry professionals donating their time and expertise both to overhaul facilities serving children and to provide youth with training and support as they exit the foster system.
Houston Furniture Bank became connected to Building New Foundations initially through Bob Carnegie, Director of Architecture at HOK, a global design, architecture, engineering and planning firm. A supporter of Houston Furniture Bank for many years, Carnegie first learned of the “No Kids on the Floor” initiative while participating at a volunteer day with IIDA (International Interior Design Association) at Houston Furniture Bank. Carnegie observed the organization’s holistic approach and was surprised to find a fully functioning mattress building operation at the facility, focused on disaster relief and now ramping up to meet the needs of Houston’s underserved children.
Bob Carnegie is a great example of the Building New Foundations Board Members, each of whom is a committed, experienced, connected and far-sighted professional. Carnegie was recruited to Building New Foundations by Hayden Austin, its Founder and Chairman, for his experience as a developer and has since created master plans for their infrastructure projects. With 28 years of experience to draw upon, Carnegie now takes great satisfaction in leveraging his experience and connections for a good cause. His work is informed by his faith and his experience as a father, making him attuned to the needs of children and eager to leave a lasting legacy. Said Carnegie, “It’s not just about what you know, it’s about what you owe your community.”
The Building New Foundations Board chose to donate to “No Kids on the Floor” because the program aligns closely with their mission to “support organizations that treat the mental, emotional, educational, spiritual and physical needs of children that have been neglected, abandoned, abused, and/or forgotten.”
Houston Furniture Bank has been serving the Houston community for 26 years and currently is partnered with over forty agencies that are serving the needs of underserved families in our community. With the support of the community and organizations such as Building New Foundations, Houston Furniture Bank is working to meet the need in Houston and ensure “No Kids on the Floor.”
For Building New Foundations, it is important to know that their donation is going directly to help children. Each $150 donated towards the program allows Houston Furniture Bank to give away a quality mattress set to a child in need. These children face many challenges, including poverty, homelessness, domestic violence and mental and physical health challenges. Providing a bed to a child in need is a beautiful experience. “Daily, we experience the gratitude of the families we serve, who put a human face on the reality that tens of thousands of children are sleeping on the floor every night in our great city,” said Oli Mohammed, Executive Director of Houston Furniture Bank.
Houston Furniture Bank needs your support! Twin beds are the most requested item in our Furniture Distribution Center. Each $150 donated towards the “No Kids on the Floor” initiative allows Houston Furniture Bank to provide a brand new bed set to a child in need. Over the course of childhood, this important intervention costs less that $20/year. Donate today to make an impact in the life of a child that will resonate for years to come. Together, we can make Houston a city with “No Kids on the Floor.”